[English Translation Below Original]
学校定于7/16 星期五4:00-8:30pm 在Kernersville Lake Park Picnic Shelter 举办户外聚餐联谊活动。
主题:1 聚餐畅谈 2 欢送徐靖 顾颐老师
时间: 7/16 星期五 下午 4:00-8:30pm
地点: Kernersville Lake Park Picnic Shelter
- 预先报名确定人数,没有报名的不能参加活动
- 户外聚会需要同样需要戴口罩。不愿意戴口罩的不能参加此次活动。
- 交谈时需要保持社交距离
- 只有坐下来吃饭时摘下口罩,shelter 一共有18张桌子,吃饭时,保持距离。
- 学校统一订购盒饭,水等,无需大家带吃的。
Dear students, teachers and parents!
From 4:00 to 8:30 PM on Friday, 7/16/2021 at the Kernersville Lake Park Picnic Shelter, we welcome you to an outdoor dinner party!
- Socialize and have dinner with your friends
- Say farewell to Xu Jing Teacher Gu Yi
Time: 7/16 Friday afternoon 4:00-8:30pm
Location: Kernersville Lake Park Picnic Shelter
Although the pandemic has eased, it is still necessary to prevent the spread and keep everyone safe, as there still is a high risk. Here are some mandatory requirements:
- Please pre-register using the linked google form. We will be using this to determine how many people are participating, and you MUST register to be counted or else you will be exempt from the event.
- Everyone who participates is REQUIRED to wear a mask. Those who refuse will not be allowed to attend.
- Everyone must remain at least six feet apart when talking or socializing, please practice proper social distancing.
- Only take off the mask when you sit down to eat. The shelter has a total of 18 tables. When eating, please properly keep your distance.
- Do not worry about bringing food, the school will provide boxed meals, water, and other refreshments for you.
Thank you for sticking with us in these hard times! Hoping to see you at the park soon!