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1. 如果还没有账号,请首先注册个人帐号

Please create a user account if you have not done so by clicking “Login” tab at the top right corner of the school website https://whchinese.org.

2. 登录后,点击菜单 Classes -> Enrollment 查看课程目录。

After login, click “Classes” tab from the top and select “Enrollment”.

3. 点击需要缴费的课程名字。例如:“阳阳中文二年级-CSL”.

Click the class title you would like to register for, for example “YangYangChinese Grade 2-CSL”.

4. 确认无误后点击Subscribe to course 按钮。之后弹出的页面上方会出现购物车链接。例如:“阳阳中文二年级(CSL) added to your cart”.

The following webpage on the left will open. Please double check if the selected course is what you would like to register for. Click “Subscribe to course”. The following webpage on the right will open. For example it should show “阳阳中文二年级(CSL) added to your cart”.


Please repeat Steps 2-4 if you want to add other classes.

秋季新学年开始时,需要选购教材,请继续以下步骤。春季学期注册不需要购买教材,请直接跳到步骤 8。

To purchase textbook at the start of a new school year, please continue to Step 5.
For Spring semester registration, there is no need to purchase textbook, please skip Steps 5-7 and move to Step 8.

5. 点击菜单Classes -> Enrollment 查看课程和教材目录。

Click “Classes” tab from the top and select “Enrollment”.

6. 点击需要购买的教材名字。例如:《阳阳中文教材》。

Click the textbook title you need to purchase, for example 《阳阳中文教材》.

7. 确认教材后点击Subscribe to course 按钮。之后弹出的页面上方会出现购物车链接。例如:“阳阳中文(CSL) added to your cart”.

The following webpage on the left will open. Please double check if the selected textbook is what you need to purchase. Click “Subscribe to course”. The following webpage on the right will open. For example it should show “阳阳中文(CSL) added to your cart”.

8. 进入购物车页面进行结帐操作。

Click “your cart” to review your shopping cart. Click “Checkout”.

9. 填入持卡人信息,学生姓名,和信用卡号码继续。(付费系统接口是由PayPal提供的,学校网站不会记录任何信用卡信息)

Fill out all required information on the “Checkout” page. (The payment connection is provided by Paypal. The school website does not keep record of any credit card information)

10. 信用卡验证通过后,提交付费。

After the credit card is approved, please confirm the payment.

11. 您也可以根据页面提示选择用Paypal支付。付费成功后,您会收到系统自动发送的电子发票。学校网站的个人账号中也会留有订单记录。备注:如果没有收到学校网站的确认邮件,请检查垃圾邮件目录。

You can also pay with Paypalby following the instructions on the webpage. After successful payment, you will receive an electronic receipt sent automatically by the system. Order history will also be kept in your user account. Note: please check your junk email box if you have not received the confirmation email from the school.